Robin College Spruce Grove Campus
If you live in Spruce Grove or the surrounding area, including the west side of Edmonton, our Spruce Grove college location is easily accessible right off the Parkland Highway. There is street parking as well as additional parking behind Triton Business Center. Robin College offers students quieter surroundings in Spruce Grove and is an excellent alternative to being in a busier central location.
Spruce Grove
Upcoming Events
Are You Ready for a Rewarding Career in Business or Health Care? Get More Info…
If you are interested in learning more about careers in Business or Health Care and exploring whether Robin College is right for you, to receive more information.
For immediate questions, call:
Edmonton 780-784-2020
Edmonton West/Spruce Grove 780-571-8692
Red Deer 403-967-1070
*Program length when completed in normal time.
What our graduates say…
I began this journey unemployed, and depressed, unhappy with the way my life was going until I learnt of the wonderful opportunity at Robin College. I am walking away more confident, happy and excited to use my knowledge and new found skills in my new career. Staff are amazing, compassionate and kind hearted people